Introduction to Chinese Art and Culture

CLASS 1 : Introduction to Chinese Art and Culture


DESCRIPTION: This 6 weeks class will include Chinese calligraphy (2 weeks), Chinese painting (2 weeks), Chinese food (1 week) and Chinese art in American museums or Chinese Contemporary Art (1 week).  Each Calligraphy and painting classes will have a brief history and art appreciation lecture, demonstration designed for each specific class, and students self-practice of calligraphy and painting with Chinese brush and ink. The Chinese food class will introduce Eight major Chinese cuisines, and we will make Sichuan dumplings together and cook it. We will study photographs of Chinese art in American museums.

STUDENTS: Adults/Mature teens ( 2 attendance only )

DATES and TIMES: Tuesday 6:30pm-8:30pm for 6weeks 

LOCATION: Studio 22, McGuffey Art Center ( 201 2nd St. NW. Charlottesville, Va. 22902 )

PAYMENT INFORMATION: $285 (basic materials included), Make personal checks payable to Jing Shui.


1. What did you enjoy?

I enjoyed the format of the classes, a visual presentation accompanied by the teacher’s explanation and comments, plus hands-on activities at the end of each class.  My knowledge of Chinese Art and Culture was only basic, and I appreciate how the pictures of art related to references from different dynasties through 6,000 years of Chinese history. Very few cultures can trace their cultural roots so far back into the past.

2. Was the length of the class sufficient?

For me, it was too short, and I wished for more time to absorb the information.  At the minimum, a 10-Week or 12-Week time period would cover the basic information; however, many times during our six-week class, I thought that this class was truly suited for a semester-long class at university level.  In order to explore the depth of information presented, and the teacher’s knowledge of Chinese Art and History, I feel that the class would fit into the academic setting perfectly.

3. What suggestions do you have that will help me improve the class for the future?

I would like more time for hands-on art instruction in Chinese Calligraphy.


Jing, you introduced me to ideas and skills that I had never been exposed to.  For example, connecting ancient art and history to modern works of art and calligraphy spoke to me of strong traditions in your culture.  From comparing works of  modern art  to art from 6,000 years ago, to learning basic calligraphy skills,  to learning how to fold a dumpling, your class awoke curiosity in me.  Thank you for offering such a unique class for us.  I would like to do it all over again.

Sheila Trunzo

1. What did you enjoy?

I enjoyed the interaction and discussions with you , every presentation that was so well prepared . And your enthusiasm about the subject of calligraphy, art and the Chinese culture was very inspiring. It meant a lot for me to experience that through you as a living scholar an artist.

2. Was the length of the class sufficient?

Yes, although we often went into overtime.The length of the course was also sufficient to keep the momentum  and the excitement going.

3. What suggestions do you have that will help me improve the class for the future?

Not much , you could split it up in different courses if you want to.


I so much appreciated  your enthusiasm and your presentation every evening.It was very lively and alive. The power points were very well done. And an excellent selection ,?so we did not feel overwhelmed. You  had the space so well prepared that we even felt like cooking in a real kitchen when we made the dumplings.

Wolfgang Hermann


Teaching in-person the time of COVID!

  • Studio classes can have no more than 2 students for a maximum of 2 hours.
  • Teachers must clean/disinfect all common area surfaces that their students touch (bathrooms, railings, door handles, etc).
  • Teachers must accompany students to the bathroom. One student at a time. Students encouraged to use the bathroom before coming to the building.
  • All visitors to the building are required to wear masks in the common areas (hallways, bathrooms, elevator). Everyone have to wear masks in studio/classroom.
  • Maintain social distancing (6ft) as much as possible.
  • Students have to sign a waiver releasing teachers/McGuffey from any liability with regards to being exposed to COVID or contracting COVID at McGuffey.
  • Students must confirm that they are healthy and free of common COVID-19 symptoms (fever, cough, intestinal issues, muscle aches, sore throat, headache, loss of smell/taste) 
  • Students must confirm that they have not recently tested positive for COVID-19, or had recent exposure to someone who has received a positive COVID-19 test.
  • Students must confirm that they have had no recent known exposure to someone who has suspicious, COVID-like symptoms.

Teaching in-person the time of COVID!

  • Studio classes can have no more than 2 students for a maximum of 2 hours.
  • Teachers must clean/disinfect all common area surfaces that their students touch (bathrooms, railings, door handles, etc).
  • Teachers must accompany students to the bathroom. One student at a time. Students encouraged to use the bathroom before coming to the building.
  • All visitors to the building are required to wear masks in the common areas (hallways, bathrooms, elevator). Everyone have to wear masks in studio/classroom.
  • Maintain social distancing (6ft) as much as possible.
  • Students have to sign a waiver releasing teachers/McGuffey from any liability with regards to being exposed to COVID or contracting COVID at McGuffey.
  • Students must confirm that they are healthy and free of common COVID-19 symptoms (fever, cough, intestinal issues, muscle aches, sore throat, headache, loss of smell/taste) 
  • Students must confirm that they have not recently tested positive for COVID-19, or had recent exposure to someone who has received a positive COVID-19 test.
  • Students must confirm that they have had no recent known exposure to someone who has suspicious, COVID-like symptoms.